Stanford Graduate School of Business Salon -- Challenges and Opportunities of Innovation

Stanford Graduate School of Business Salon -- Challenges and Opportunities of Innovation

Saturday, June 27, 2015
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Stanford Center at Peking University
The Lee Jung Sen Building
Langrun Yuan
Peking University
No.5 Yiheyuan Road
Haidian District
Beijing, P.R.China 100871

Tel: +86.10.6274.4170

Directions to SCPKU

sckpu stanford frieze 2

As the appetite for entrepreneurship grows worldwide, large corporations find themselves facing threats and new opportunities that once were reserved for a small set of fast moving hi-tech industries. Under industry disruptive pressures, how do these corporations adapt and maintain a competitive edge?

Similarly, after more than two decades of rapid economic development, China today is facing enormous challenge to maintain a high growth rate. With a strong government push towards innovation and entrepreneurship as the main drivers of economic reform, can China’s unique innovation and entrepreneurial ecosystem be the key to sustainable growth?

Please join Professor Yossi Feinberg from Stanford's Graduate School of Business, Professor Dongming Chen, Dean of Peking University's School of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, and Frank Hawke, China Director of Stanford's Graduate School of Business who will lead an insightful and informative discussion on how innovation and entrepreneurial are changing China’s economy and global corporations at large. The cross-culture salon will take place at the Stanford Center at Peking University, with Professor Feinberg and the Stanford campus audience beamed in through advanced long distance learning technology. Lunch will be provided.

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Photo credit:  Steve Fyffe