Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in China: A Multi-Disciplinary and Cross-National Approach
Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease Prevention in China: A Multi-Disciplinary and Cross-National Approach
Arrival Date in Beijing, China: Saturday, June 18, 2016 (course begins June 20, 2016)
Departure Date from Beijing, China: Saturday, July 9, 2016
Location: Stanford Center at Peking University, Beijing, China
Randall Stafford, MD, PhD, Professor of Medicine (Preventive Medicine)
Judith Prochaska, PhD, MPH, Associate Professor of Medicine (Health Psychology)
Mike Baiocchi, PhD, Assistant Professor of Medicine (Research Design)
TA: Yan Min, MA, Research Assistant, School of Medicine (Health System Financing)
Eligibility: Enrolled Stanford University students in good academic standing. Graduate students will be given priority.
Fees & Costs: Airfare, accommodations, and food are covered by the Stanford Center at Peking University. See details under "Program Cost."
Multiple factors have led to China’s increasing chronic disease burden, including population aging, globalization of dietary patterns, urbanization, and increasingly sedentary lifestyles. The country faces new challenges that strain existing health systems and have spawned multiple health care reforms. Yet, prevention strategies offer great hope as China works to tackle such conditions as hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer. While China’s situation is of unique magnitude, there is a growing worldwide prevalence of cardiovascular disease and cancer. Much could be gained by examining China’s response to its chronic disease challenges.
This three-week seminar is limited to 8 Stanford participants. Seminar activities at the SCPKU in Beijing will focus on: 1) classroom discussions led by Stanford School of Medicine faculty, and 2) team-based, practical research projects that will develop proposals for innovative chronic disease prevention research. The faculty will also facilitate consultation with Chinese academics, local health practitioners, and industry/government representatives. An emphasis is placed on experiencing Beijing, including observing its social and built environment, and course-related site visits. The seminar will culminate in a public symposium led by the faculty where the student teams will also present their project results. All instruction will be in English. 8 Stanford participants will be matched with 8 Chinese participants. The seminar is a non-unit bearing course, although credit for directed research/study may be available. Past experience in China, public health/medical training, or Chinese language skills are NOT required.
Evaluation of 2015 seminar: Last year’s seminar was an enormous success. Feedback from both Stanford and Chinese students noted an exceptional range of expert speakers, interesting topics, fantastic interactions between students, and the relevance of the student team projects. Students were asked the first three words that came to their minds to describe the seminar: “exciting, informative, and fun”, “enlightening, intriguing, and bonding” …
Application Process:
The application process is comprised of two steps. First, all candidates must submit an initial seminar-specific online application by April 20, 2016. The instructors and TA will review these initial applications and invite a select number of applicants to submit a supplemental online application by May 1, 2016. Final decisions will be made and students notified by May 15, 2016. (We encourage students to submit applications early since we will process them on a rolling basis.) Note that the supplemental application will also require submission of an official e-transcript which can be requested through your account in Axess - this information is needed a second time for separate program documentation purposes. More details are available on the supplemental application form. Late applications (both initial and supplemental) will not be considered.
Need More Information?
Please contact Yan Min with “SCPKU Seminar” as your email Subject.