SCPKU Graduate Seminar Program: Faculty Guidelines and Responsibilities

SCPKU Graduate Seminar Program: Faculty Guidelines and Responsibilities

The following guidelines will help you better understand your responsibilities in order to develop and implement a successful SCPKU graduate seminar.


Faculty responsibilities include:


Design of Academic Content and Structure of the Seminar

This includes setting up clear academic focus and objectives, creating a seminar syllabus and daily itinerary, and any activities/assignments that have academic relevance to the seminar. While in China, the faculty, with the assistance from the seminar teaching assistant (TA), will lead all scheduled program activities.Students will not receive any units for an SCPKU graduate seminar and no grades will be assigned.

Collaboration with the SCPKU Graduate Seminar Program

SCPKU’s Program Development Manager and Project Coordinator will serve as the primary points of contact for all seminar-related correspondence. The faculty should be prepared to adhere to the seminar program’s timeline, participate in all required meetings and orientation,and maintain regular timely communication with these two contact points.

Logistical Arrangements and Coordination On-Site

The faculty’s seminar TA will work with the faculty and SCPKU staff to help coordinate seminar logistics.

Recruiting and Supervision of Seminar Assistant

The faculty is provided funding for one graduate student teaching assistant (TA) for the seminar. The faculty will recruit and hire this TA with appropriate assistance from his/her own academic department. Faculty can teach a seminar at any time; however, in order to maximize availability of potential graduate TAs, we recommend that they consider timeframes when the students are not enrolled in classes (e.g., mid-August to mid-September). Also, while not required, in selecting the TA, the faculty may want to consider whether the individual has experience at the proposed location and has some proficiency in the local language. The TA is required to live with students and accompany all activities throughout the seminar period. Undergraduate students are not eligible to serve as TAs. The TA is expected to provide administrative support to the faculty during the seminar period.The TA will receive a salary and is reimbursed for his/her SFO-Beijing round trip economy class airfare and airport transfers. Accommodation and meals during the seminar are also covered and will be provided to the TA as they are for participating students.

Development of Cost-Effective Budget Plan and Funding Process

SCPKU will develop a cost-effective budget while considering the academic objectives of the seminar. SCPKU has final authority to determine logistics, excursions, accommodation, etc. in order to ensure the financial feasibility as well as safety and health standards of the program. The faculty and TA will be asked to keep necessary receipts and keep track of expenses onsite and ensure that all expenditures of funds are covered by the approved budget. The faculty will identify a finance and/or admin contact in his or her department who will open a new department-based gift account and process most expenses associated with the seminar using this account (note that in most cases, faculty housing expenses, the teaching supplement, and space fees will be processed separately by SCPKU). At the completion of the seminar and after reviewing a detailed final expense report from the finance contact, SCPKU will transfer funds to reimburse the faculty's account.

Student Outreach and Selection

While SCPKU will post the seminar description on its website and conduct general outreach for the seminar, the faculty will be responsible for conducting an outreach session on campus prior to the start of the seminar. The faculty will also review student applications and select participants.He or she may conduct personal interviews with applicants as desired. While seminars will be non unit-bearing, students who would like to enroll for credit may consult with faculty and their individual departments to explore "directed research" opportunities.

Student Orientations

The faculty will be responsible for holding comprehensive orientations for students.This includes conducting pre-departure orientation(s) on campus to prepare seminar students for academic and cultural challenges. The seminar will also have an on-site orientation shortly after arrival to address practical issues as well as the cultural challenges. The orientation should also include safety and health precautions, as well as emergency procedures.SCPKU staff will be available to provide help for these sessions.

Student Supervision and Mentoring

The faculty will serve as a primary responder for students in need of guidance on academic, cultural, and other matters prior to and during the seminar following the University’s established policies and procedures. SCPKU’s staff will provide support as needed.

Post-Seminar Evaluation The faculty submits an evaluation after the end of the seminar and presents the proper documentation including necessary receipts to clear all seminar expenses with SCPKU.To help ensure and improve the Graduate Seminar Program, the faculty will submit a brief final report discussing detailed information about the academic and logistical aspects of the program, and describe successes and problems as well as make recommendations for future programming. This report is critical to the evaluation process and planning of subsequent seminars. Students will evaluate academic and logistical component of the seminar.


The following outlines the conditions of seminar faculty compensation and travel arrangements:


The faculty will receive the following for leading a graduate seminar:

  • $7,500 teaching supplement (if a seminar is co-led by more than one faculty member, this amount is split between participating Stanford faculty; also, supplement and accompanying fringe benefit are subject to FSI-processed approval by the school that faculty is attached to)
  • Round-trip SFO-Beijing airfare (upgradable economy class) and airport transfers
  • Lodging, meals and incidentals during the seminar

Faculty may also be eligible for lodging, meals and incidentals as well as research support for one week either immediately before or after the seminar.

Housing and Meals

Program and travel expenses including faculty lodging and meals are determined by the program budget. The faculty will receive a breakdown of allowable program expenses based on what is reasonable for Beijing.For housing, SCPKU will provide a list of accommodation options that the faculty may choose from.

Program Cancellation

Each seminar is subject to a minimum enrollment of 6 Stanford students. If student enrollment does not reach this minimum capacity, or if safety, security or health concerns arise in relation to the seminar, SCPKU reserves the right to re-evaluate the seminar in consultation with the faculty and responsible university authorities, which may result in the cancellation of the seminar. SCPKU must adhere to Stanford University’s international travel policy that states Stanford-sponsored or Stanford-organized trips are prohibited to countries where a State Department Travel Warning has been issued or where there is other reliable information of significant health or safety risks. SCPKU will communicate any programmatic changes to the faculty, TA and students in a timely manner. Monetary compensation for the faculty may be adjusted depending on circumstances.