The 2016 Presidential Election in the United States and its Meaning for American Politics

Tuesday, October 22, 2019
4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

Beijing Campus

Stanford Center at Peking University
The Lee Jung Sen Building
Langrun Yuan
Peking University
No.5 Yiheyuan Road
Haidian District
Beijing, P.R.China 100871

Tel: +86.10.6274.4170
Fax: +86 10-62760562


The outcome of the 2016 American presidential election surprised many observers,but it provides an opportunity to reflect on both its historical and current determinants. This lecture will explore some of the deep structural features that have long characterized the American political system, as well as the social, economic, technological, and cultural issues that are shaping American politics today. 

This lecture will be in English.







David M. Kennedy

David Kennedy is the Professor of History Emeritus at Stanford University. He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in history in 1999 for Freedom From Fear: The American People in Depression and War.


His teaching has included courses in the history of the twentieth-century United States, American political and social thought, American foreign policy, national security strategies, American literature, and the comparative development of democracy in Europe and America.


Reflecting his interdisciplinary training in American Studies, which combined the fields of history, literature, and economics, Kennedy's scholarship is notable for its integration of economic and cultural analysis with social and political history, and for its attention to the concept of the American national character.


David Kennedy是斯坦福大学历史系荣休教授。1999年,他的著作《免于恐惧的自由: 处于萧条和战争中的美国人民》获得普利策奖。













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