Chinese Corporations: A Case Study Workshop

Chinese Corporations: A Case Study Workshop

Arrival Date in Beijing, China:  Saturday, June 15, 2019 (course begins June 17, 2019)

Departure Date from Beijing, China:  Saturday, July 6, 2019 (course ends by evening July 5, 2019)

Location:  Stanford Center at Peking University, Beijing, China

Instructor:  Andrew G. Walder, Professor of Sociology and Senior Fellow, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies

Eligibility: Co-term, Master's or Ph.D. level Stanford students in Political Science, Sociology, History, and related fields, who are contemplating social science research on non-contemporary topics, especially if they are interested in research on China. 

Fees/Cost: Airfare, accommodations, and food are covered by the Stanford Center at Peking University.  See details under "Program Cost."


Overview: Chinese Corporations: A Case Study Workshop

Corporations are the core of major economies, and China’s modern corporations are both new and structured in ways that contrast in striking ways with those elsewhere in the world. Analyzing the history of China’s leading corporations is a superb way of understanding the transformation of the country’s economy over the past 30 years and the inner workings of the Chinese model of development.

In this workshop, each Stanford student will be paired with one student from Peking or Tsinghua University, and they will select two Chinese business corporations—one state owned, and one non-state owned—and investigate their founding and subsequent history of expansion, including any restructuring, privatization, and listing on domestic or international stock exchanges. Of particular interest will be the company’s structure of ownership and control, along with its business strategies. These companies will be selected from a list of Chinese companies ranked in the Global 500, or in China’s top 100.

The purpose of pairing each Stanford student with a Chinese student is to ensure that each student will have access to the voluminous information that is available online in both English and Chinese about these major companies.

The workshop will meet 3 times a week for 3 weeks, for 2 to 3 hours per session. During the first week, the faculty instructor will give background presentations on China’s political economy, corporate restructuring and finance, and the recent history of enterprise reform. During the next second week, workshop participants will introduce the companies that they have chosen and why, the sources that they have identified (primarily on-line), and the lines of inquiry that will be most fruitful about these particular business sectors. We will also discuss problems encountered in doing the research and strategies to surmount these problems. During the third week, students will present their findings to the workshop in the form of detailed PowerPoint presentations that will be structured according to guidelines provided by the faculty instructor.

The primary advantage of holding this course in Beijing is the ability to pair Stanford students with currently enrolled Chinese students at Peking and Tsinghua universities. A secondary advantage is the ability to invite faculty from these two universities who do research on these topics to sit in on these sessions and contribute brief presentations.


Application Process

seminar application is required plus an official Stanford transcript via Axess.  Please submit transcript and the application online at the same time.  The deadline to apply is May 6, 2019.  Applications received after the deadline will be considered for the waitlist.  Transcripts via Axess should be submitted to Leigh Wang


For More Information

Please contact Professor Walder with "SCPKU Seminar" as your email subject.  More information about SCPKU's Graduate Seminar Program can be found here.