Lead a SCPKU Summer Seminar in China

The Stanford Center at Peking University (SCPKU) offers Stanford faculty from any school or discipline an opportunity to lead a three-week summer seminar in Beijing. Faculty decide the topic and make the final selection of the student participants. Chinese university students will be invited to join the seminar to create a true cross-cultural learning experience. Stanford students will be limited to a total of 16; funding for one Stanford teaching assistant will be provided to support each seminar. No China expertise is required.
Faculty will receive a $7500 teaching supplement for the seminar, in addition to support for travel and living expenses while the seminar is in session. They may also apply for one extra week of support in China, including research funds, immediately before or after seminar to conduct their own work in China.
Faculty Eligibility
Eligible Stanford faculty (Academic Council members, Medical Center Line Faculty, and Active Emeriti) are invited to submit seminar proposals. (For team-taught seminars, only the lead instructor submitting the proposal must have this status.) A faculty advisory committee representing a cross-section of Stanford’s academic community will review all proposals and make selections. In the selection process, the advisory committee will strive for diversity of disciplines and the potential for seminars to leverage local resources. Please make clear how teaching the course in China adds to the class content. Fieldwork and research methods seminars are encouraged. They may also apply for the one extra week of support in China, including research funds, immediately before or after the seminar to conduct their own work in China.
Faculty Seminar Proposals Process
Stanford faculty members interested in teaching summer seminars at SCPKU are welcome to submit seminar proposals (one per calendar year) online here. Applicants will be notified when their proposals have been received and decisions will be announced within two months of the proposal deadlines as indicated below.
As part of the application process, faculty will indicate a prioritized set of calendar windows when they would like to teach their seminar. Faculty can teach a seminar at any time; however, in order to maximize availability of potential graduate TAs, we recommend that they consider timeframes when the students are not enrolled in classes (e.g., mid-August to mid-September). To best accommodate preferred calendar windows and optimize SCPKU space utilization, SCPKU encourages applicants to submit proposals to the earliest possible application review period. Applicants must also identify both an administrative assistant and finance manager in his/her department who will help to facilitate travel, housing and other logistics as well as process travel and other seminar-related expenses with guidance from the SCPKU staff as needed. SCPKU will provide comprehensive information about how to manage these logistics.
Next Faculty Seminar Proposal Deadline
The proposal deadline for Summer Quarter 2025 has passed. Thank you for your interest in our programs!
Seminar Length and Dates
SCPKU summer seminars will typically last 19-21 days. A standard breakdown is: 1 arrival day, 1 orientation day, 15 seminar days, 2 free days, and 1 departure day. Student accommodations should be arranged from the evening of the arrival date until the night prior to the departure date and should not exceed 21 nights.
Course Credit and Grading
SCPKU summer seminars are non unit-bearing and grades will not be assigned. Students who would like to enroll for credit may consult with faculty and their individual departments to explore "directed research" opportunities.
Faculty Responsibilities
The responsibilities for faculty teaching a summer seminar at SCPKU are more comprehensive than the standard duties associated with teaching a seminar on the Stanford campus. For more information on faculty responsibilities and conditions, please refer to Faculty Guidelines and Responsibilities.
Faculty are also strongly encouraged to contact the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning office which provides grants and consulting services to advance teaching and learning innovation at Stanford.
For More Information
Contact Owen Raymond for more information about SCPKU's Summer Seminar Program and other programs and events at the center.
Photo credit: SCPKU