Health and Medicine

FSI’s researchers assess health and medicine through the lenses of economics, nutrition and politics. They’re studying and influencing public health policies of local and national governments and the roles that corporations and nongovernmental organizations play in providing health care around the world. Scholars look at how governance affects citizens’ health, how children’s health care access affects the aging process and how to improve children’s health in Guatemala and rural China. They want to know what it will take for people to cook more safely and breathe more easily in developing countries.

FSI professors investigate how lifestyles affect health. What good does gardening do for older Americans? What are the benefits of eating organic food or growing genetically modified rice in China? They study cost-effectiveness by examining programs like those aimed at preventing the spread of tuberculosis in Russian prisons. Policies that impact obesity and undernutrition are examined; as are the public health implications of limiting salt in processed foods and the role of smoking among men who work in Chinese factories. FSI health research looks at sweeping domestic policies like the Affordable Care Act and the role of foreign aid in affecting the price of HIV drugs in Africa.

Professor of Neonatal and Developmental Pediatrics

Gary L. Darmstadt, MD, MS, is Associate Dean for Maternal and Child Health, and Professor of Neonatal and Developmental Pediatrics in the Department of Pediatrics at the Stanford University School of Medicine. Previously Dr. Darmstadt was Senior Fellow in the Global Development Program at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF), where he led a cross-foundation initiative on Women, Girls and Gender, assessing how addressing gender inequalities and empowering women and girls leads to improved gender equality as well as improved health and development outcomes. Prior to this role, he served as BMGF Director of Family Health, leading strategy development and implementation across nutrition, family planning and maternal, newborn and child health.

Darmstadt was formerly Associate Professor and Founding Director of the International Center for Advancing Neonatal Health in the Department of International Health at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. He has trained in Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University, in Dermatology at Stanford University, and in Pediatric Infectious Disease as a fellow at the University of Washington, Seattle, where he was Assistant Professor in the Departments of Pediatrics and Medicine. Dr. Darmstadt left the University of Washington to serve as Senior Research Advisor for the Saving Newborn Lives program of Save the Children-US, where he led the development and implementation of the global research strategy for newborn health and survival, before joining Johns Hopkins.

Faculty Affiliate at the Stanford Center on China's Economy and Institutions
Faculty Fellow at the Stanford Center at Peking University, May 2016
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A three-week seminar focused on digital health innovation and entrepreneurship in China came to a close last week, culminating in the final pitch presentations from four cross-cultural, entrepreneurial student teams. The winning team, LiveBright, presented a way to improve access to personal counseling in China using digital, peer-to-peer methods, with the mission of reducing stress among students and young professionals.

Sponsored by the Stanford Center at Peking University (SCPKU), the course was developed by Dr. Robert Chang, digital health inventor and Assistant Professor of Ophthalmology at Stanford University, and Ravi Pamnani, medical technology executive and alumnus of Stanford’s Biodesign Innovation Fellowship, a pioneering training program in biomedical innovation.

The hands-on course paired Stanford students with Peking University students in collaborative teams and immersed them in the Chinese healthcare system. Students shadowed physicians and interviewed patients to identify unmet needs and market opportunities. Students then brainstormed solutions and developed rapid prototypes to test their ideas and obtain user feedback. Next, they selected business models to ensure the sustainability of their solutions. Along the way, students got feedback from physicians, digital health entrepreneurs, and investors who evaluated their ideas in real-world contexts.


rob and ravi compressed SCPKU seminar instructors, Dr. Robert Chang and Ravi Pamnani.

SCPKU seminar instructors, Dr. Robert Chang and Ravi Pamnani
Courtesy of Stanford University



Other teams focused on a telemedicine approach to physical therapy, a more convenient way to obtain eyeglasses prescriptions at home, and a novel subscription box service to promote women’s health education.

“We have been really impressed with the outside-the-box thinking that the students have employed to identify new opportunities,” said Dr. Chang. “China has seen tectonic changes in the mobile and consumer internet sectors. With this in mind and given the unique characteristics of the Chinese healthcare system, a digital health revolution is inevitable, and in many ways has already begun. The rest of the world can learn a lot by observing how digital technologies will transform healthcare here in China over the next five years.”

For more information about the seminar, visit

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This workshop will focus on the importance of community health services and primary health care reform in China and discuss what clinicians and policymakers are doing to improve health outcomes. With researchers and clinicians from China and the US, we will discuss the policy challenges to improving China’s health care system at the community and grassroots level. Key themes include China’s local experiences, showcasing innovations in Hangzhou, as well as the question of how the private sector might play a role in strengthening community health in China. The Asia Health Policy Program thanks ACON Biotechnology for sponsoring this event.


Stanford Center at Peking University

Beijing, China

Jean Oi Stanford University
Liang Wannian China Health and Family Planning Commission
Feng Lin Chairman, ACON Biotechnology

Shorenstein APARC
Stanford University
Encina Hall E301
Stanford, CA 94305-6055

(650) 723-9072 (650) 723-6530
Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
Center Fellow at the Center for Health Policy and the Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research
Faculty Research Fellow of the National Bureau of Economic Research
Faculty Affiliate at the Stanford Center on China's Economy and Institutions

Karen Eggleston is Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI) at Stanford University and Director of the Stanford Asia Health Policy Program at the Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center at FSI. She is also a Fellow with the Center for Innovation in Global Health at Stanford University School of Medicine, and a Faculty Research Fellow of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). Eggleston earned her PhD in public policy from Harvard University and has MA degrees in economics and Asian studies from the University of Hawaii and a BA in Asian studies summa cum laude (valedictorian) from Dartmouth College. Eggleston studied in China for two years and was a Fulbright scholar in Korea. Her research focuses on government and market roles in the health sector and Asia health policy, especially in China, India, Japan, and Korea; healthcare productivity; and the economics of the demographic transition. She served on the Strategic Technical Advisory Committee for the Asia Pacific Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, and has been a consultant to the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the WHO regarding health system reforms in the PRC.

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Director of the Asia Health Policy Program, Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center
Stanford Health Policy Associate
Faculty Fellow at the Stanford Center at Peking University, June and August of 2016
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Stanford University
Jiangnan Cai Director of Health Management and Policy Research, CEIBS
Jiaji Wang Guangzhou School of Public Health
Hai Fang Peking University School of Public Health
Min Yu Deputy - Director, Zhejiang CDC
Zhiling Zhou Deputy - Director, Hangzhou Health and Family Planning Commission
Yan Ma Deputy - Director, Shangcheng District Government
Randall Stafford Program Director, Program on Prevention Outcomes and Practices, Stanford University
Hengjin Dong Zhejiang University
Shuling Chen Zhejiang University
Zhihong Hu Director, Xiao Ying Xiang Community Health Service Center
Fang Qian Director, Si Ji Qing Community Health Service Center
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Stanford’s Asian Liver Center (ALC) held a press conference at SCPKU on April 17 to share progress on the ALC’s Hepatitis B education pilot program in China's Gansu and Qinghai provinces. In addition to media participants, there was representation from the Chinese Center for Disease Control, China’s National Health and Family Planning Commission, and the World Health Organization.  Dr. Samuel So, ALC Director, delivered the keynote address.  Targeting pregnant women and healthcare workers in Gansu and Qinghai provinces, the ALC has collaborated with local health departments to provide a series of classes, workshops, and public health services to enhance understanding and management of the disease.  The program has so far trained over 12,000 local healthcare workers and reached over 3 million residents in the two provinces.

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SCPKU sponsored a Stanford graduate seminar entitled “Chronic Disease in China: Health Care and Public Health Challenges” March 16 to April 3.  Taught by Stanford Professor Randall Stafford from the Stanford Center for Research in Disease Prevention, the seminar focused on analyzing the multiple factors leading to China’s increasing non-communicable disease (NCD) burden and implications for health care services and policies – both within China and globally. In addition to Professor Stafford and his Teaching Assistant, seven Stanford students participated in the seminar along with students from Peking University and Zhejiang University.   

Two Stanford participants share some of their seminar experiences below. Ben Seligman is in the School of Medicine pursuing his MD and PhD and Daisy Zheng is working on her PhD in Civil and Environmental Engineering. Content from the interview has been edited for length and clarity. 


Qu: Why did you decide to apply for this SCPKU graduate seminar?

Ben:  The topic was relevant to my research interests and I am interested in doing more work involving China.

Daisy:  It aligned very well with my research and provided a chance for short-term study at a prestigious campus, Peking University. 


Qu: What did you hope to learn in China as part of the program and were your objectives met?

Ben:  I hoped to work on my Chinese, learn more about available datasets, and network with local faculty.  I would say I was mostly successful across the board.

Daisy:  I hoped to learn: 1) the differences in performing research abroad, 2) the difference between China’s healthcare system and that in other countries, and 3) the impact that environment has on quality of life in China.  What I found most surprising were the differences in male and female health factors in China (obesity and smoking), the issues with particular Chinese databases, and the categorization of disease treatment and diagnosis. 


Qu: Did the Chinese students from Peking University and Zhejiang University have an impact on your experience?

Ben:  Yes, having them present was a core part of what made the experience worthwhile.

Daisy:  Yes, I found working with them was most enlightening when discussing research habits.  The challenge was that the students were taking full loads at their universities while attending the seminar so they were extremely busy.  It would have been ideal to have Chinese students with lighter loads participating – perhaps students at the PhD level no longer taking classes or holding the seminar during the summer.


Qu: Was this your first time participating in an overseas course/field trip?  If not, please share some of the challenges that you may have encountered on your other trips and how you resolved them. 

Ben:    This was not my first trip.  Cross-cultural communication is always a challenge, particularly if the working language is English and many of the participants are not fluent.  Likewise, keeping on-schedule is a significant and important challenge.

Daisy:  No, I participated in a National Science Foundation International Research and Education in Engineering program in which I conducted research at Tsinghua University in Beijing.  The largest challenge was getting access to academic resources at Stanford.


Qu:  What are the first three words or thoughts that come to mind which best describe your experience at SCPKU?

Ben:  Exciting, informative and fun

Daisy: Fun, enlightening, bonding


Qu: Do you have future plans to travel to China? 

Ben:  I hope to return to SCPKU as a pre-doc fellow.  Longer-term, I hope to do some of my epidemiological and demographic research in China, building partly off of the contacts I have made.

Daisy: I would love to be able to go back and study air quality conditions in Beijing.

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This workshop will focus on the large and growing burden of chronic non-communicable disease (NCD) in China and the importance of strengthening primary healthcare in managing patients with chronic disease. With experts from China’s national and local Centers for Disease Control and Prevention as well as prominent academic researchers, we will discuss China’s NCD burden and the experiences of localities in implementing China’s national program on NCD control, as well as other related health economic research. Thanks to a generous gift from ACON Biotech, Stanford’s Asia Health Policy Program is hosting this workshop as part of a series of events in Beijing and at Stanford on innovations in primary care.


8am Continental breakfast, registration

8:30 Welcome, Karen Eggleston and Randall Stafford, Stanford University

8:35  “NCDs, Health Reform, and the Role of Primary Health Care”

         Professor Meng Qingyue, Peking University

China CDC views on the NCD burden and pilot sites for comprehensive control of chronic disease (国家慢性病综合防控示范区)

         8:50 A View from the National CDC

         Dong Jianqun, National Center for Chronic and Noncommunicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention

         9:05 The Experience of Zhejiang Province

         Fang Le, Associate Chief Physician , Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention

         9:20 The Experience of Shandong Province: The Shandong-Ministry of Health Action for Salt and Hypertension (SMASH) Initiative

         Wang Yan, Shandong Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Research perspectives on NCDs, the elderly, and primary care

9:35 Evidence from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS)

        Professor Lei Xiaoyan, Peking University

9:50 Additional research perspectives

10:05 – 11:00am Discussion

11:00 - 12:30pm  Buffet Lunch


The Stanford Center at Peking University

Map and direction:


Shorenstein APARC
Stanford University
Encina Hall E301
Stanford, CA 94305-6055

(650) 723-9072 (650) 723-6530
Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies
Center Fellow at the Center for Health Policy and the Center for Primary Care and Outcomes Research
Faculty Research Fellow of the National Bureau of Economic Research
Faculty Affiliate at the Stanford Center on China's Economy and Institutions

Karen Eggleston is Senior Fellow at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies (FSI) at Stanford University and Director of the Stanford Asia Health Policy Program at the Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center at FSI. She is also a Fellow with the Center for Innovation in Global Health at Stanford University School of Medicine, and a Faculty Research Fellow of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER). Eggleston earned her PhD in public policy from Harvard University and has MA degrees in economics and Asian studies from the University of Hawaii and a BA in Asian studies summa cum laude (valedictorian) from Dartmouth College. Eggleston studied in China for two years and was a Fulbright scholar in Korea. Her research focuses on government and market roles in the health sector and Asia health policy, especially in China, India, Japan, and Korea; healthcare productivity; and the economics of the demographic transition. She served on the Strategic Technical Advisory Committee for the Asia Pacific Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, and has been a consultant to the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and the WHO regarding health system reforms in the PRC.

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Director of the Asia Health Policy Program, Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center
Stanford Health Policy Associate
Faculty Fellow at the Stanford Center at Peking University, June and August of 2016
Date Label
Karen Eggleston Stanford University
Randall Stafford Stanford University
Meng Qingyue Peking University
Dong Jianqun National Center for Chronic and Noncommunicable Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Fang Le Associate Chief Physician Zhejiang Provincial Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Lei Xiaoyan Associate Professor Peking University
Wang Yan Shandong Department of Health

Stanford Comprehensive Epilepsy Center 
Stanford University Medical Center 
300 Pasteur Drive - A343 
Stanford, California 94305-5235 

(650) 498-6648
Associate Professor of Neurology, Stanford University Medical Center
Faculty Fellow at the Stanford Center at Peking University, May to June of 2015

Department of Genetics,
300 Pasteur Drive,
Alway M335A,
Stanford, CA  94305


(650) 223-9711
Associate Professor of Genetics
Faculty Fellow at the Stanford Center at Peking University, March and Summer 2015
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For 14 years, Mariano-Florentino Cuéllar has been a tireless Stanford professor who has strengthened the fabric of university’s interdisciplinary nature. Joining the faculty at Stanford Law School in 2001, Cuéllar soon found a second home for himself at the Freeman Spogli for International Studies. He held various leadership roles throughout the institute for several years – including serving as co-director of the Center for International Security and Cooperation. He took the helm of FSI as the institute’s director in 2013, and oversaw a tremendous expansion of faculty, research activity and student engagement. 

An expert in administrative law, criminal law, international law, and executive power and legislation, Cuéllar is now taking on a new role. He leaves Stanford this month to serve as justice of the California Supreme Court and will be succeeded at FSI by Michael McFaul on Jan. 5.

 As the academic quarter comes to a close, Cuéllar took some time to discuss his achievements at FSI and the institute’s role on campus. And his 2014 Annual Letter and Report can be read here.

You’ve had an active 20 months as FSI’s director. But what do you feel are your major accomplishments? 

We started with a superb faculty and made it even stronger. We hired six new faculty members in areas ranging from health and drug policy to nuclear security to governance. We also strengthened our capacity to generate rigorous research on key global issues, including nuclear security, global poverty, cybersecurity, and health policy. Second, we developed our focus on teaching and education. Our new International Policy Implementation Lab brings faculty and students together to work on applied projects, like reducing air pollution in Bangladesh, and improving opportunities for rural schoolchildren in China.  We renewed FSI's focus on the Ford Dorsey Program in International Policy Studies, adding faculty and fellowships, and launched a new Stanford Global Student Fellows program to give Stanford students global experiences through research opportunities.   Third, we bolstered FSI's core infrastructure to support research and education, by improving the Institute's financial position and moving forward with plans to enhance the Encina complex that houses FSI.

Finally, we forged strong partnerships with critical allies across campus. The Graduate School of Business is our partner on a campus-wide Global Development and Poverty Initiative supporting new research to mitigate global poverty.  We've also worked with the Law School and the School of Engineering to help launch the new Stanford Cyber Initiative with $15 million in funding from the Hewlett Foundation. We are engaging more faculty with new health policy working groups launched with the School of Medicine and an international and comparative education venture with the Graduate School of Education. 

Those partnerships speak very strongly to the interdisciplinary nature of Stanford and FSI. How do these relationships reflect FSI's goals?

The genius of Stanford has been its investment in interdisciplinary institutions. FSI is one of the largest. We should be judged not only by what we do within our four walls, but by what activity we catalyze and support across campus. With the business school, we've launched the initiative to support research on global poverty across the university. This is a part of the SEED initiative of the business school and it is very complementary to our priorities on researching and understanding global poverty and how to alleviate. It's brought together researchers from the business school, from FSI, from the medical school, and from the economics department.  

Another example would be our health policy working groups with the School of Medicine. Here, we're leveraging FSI’s Center for Health Policy, which is a great joint venture and allows us to convene people who are interested in the implementation of healthcare reforms and compare the perspective and on why lifesaving interventions are not implemented in developing countries and how we can better manage biosecurity risks. These working groups are a forum for people to understand each other's research agendas, to collaborate on seeking funding and to engage students. 

I could tell a similar story about our Mexico Initiative.  We organize these groups so that they cut across generations of scholars so that they engage people who are experienced researchers but also new fellows, who are developing their own agenda for their careers. Sometimes it takes resources, sometimes it takes the engagement of people, but often what we've found at FSI is that by working together with some of our partners across the university, we have a more lasting impact.

Looking at a growing spectrum of global challenges, where would you like to see FSI increase its attention? 

FSI's faculty, students, staff, and space represent a unique resource to engage Stanford in taking on challenges like global hunger, infectious disease, forced migration, and weak institutions.  The  key breakthrough for FSI has been growing from its roots in international relations, geopolitics, and security to focusing on shared global challenges, of which four are at the core of our work: security, governance, international development, and  health. 

These issues cross borders. They are not the concern of any one country. 

Geopolitics remain important to the institute, and some critical and important work is going on at the Center for International Security and Cooperation to help us manage the threat of nuclear proliferation, for example. But even nuclear proliferation is an example of how the transnational issues cut across the international divide. Norms about law, the capacity of transnational criminal networks, smuggling rings, the use of information technology, cybersecurity threats – all of these factors can affect even a traditional geopolitical issue like nuclear proliferation. 

So I can see a research and education agenda focused on evolving transnational pressures that will affect humanity in years to come. How a child fares when she is growing up in Africa will depend at least as much on these shared global challenges involving hunger and poverty, health, security, the role of information technology and humanity as they will on traditional relations between governments, for instance. 

What are some concrete achievements that demonstrate how FSI has helped create an environment for policy decisions to be better understood and implemented?

We forged a productive collaboration with the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees through a project on refugee settlements that convened architects, Stanford researchers, students and experienced humanitarian responders to improve the design of settlements that house refugees and are supposed to meet their human needs. That is now an ongoing effort at the UN Refugee Agency, which has also benefited from collaboration with us on data visualization and internship for Stanford students. 

Our faculty and fellows continue the Institute's longstanding research to improve security and educate policymakers. We sometimes play a role in Track II diplomacy on sensitive issues involving global security – including in South Asia and Northeast Asia.  Together with Hoover, We convened a first-ever cyber bootcamp to help legislative staff understand the Internet and its vulnerabilities. We have researchers who are in regular contact with policymakers working on understanding how governance failures can affect the world's ability to meet pressing health challenges, including infectious diseases, such as Ebola.

On issues of economic policy and development, our faculty convened a summit of Japanese prefectural officials work with the private sector to understand strategies to develop the Japanese economy.  

And we continued educating the next generation of leaders on global issues through the Draper Hills summer fellows program and our honors programs in security and in democracy and the rule of law. 

How do you see FSI’s role as one of Stanford’s independent laboratories?

It's important to recognize that FSI's growth comes at particularly interesting time in the history of higher education – where universities are under pressure, where the question of how best to advance human knowledge is a very hotly debated question, where universities are diverging from each other in some ways and where we all have to ask ourselves how best to be faithful to our mission but to innovate. And in that respect, FSI is a laboratory. It is an experimental venture that can help us to understand how a university like Stanford can organize itself to advance the mission of many units, that's the partnership point, but to do so in a somewhat different way with a deep engagement to practicality and to the current challenges facing the world without abandoning a similarly deep commitment to theory, empirical investigation, and rigorous scholarship.

What have you learned from your time at Stanford and as director of FSI that will inform and influence how you approach your role on the state’s highest court?

Universities play an essential role in human wellbeing because they help us advance knowledge and prepare leaders for a difficult world. To do this, universities need to be islands of integrity, they need to be engaged enough with the outside world to understand it but removed enough from it to keep to the special rules that are necessary to advance the university's mission. 

Some of these challenges are also reflected in the role of courts. They also need to be islands of integrity in a tumultuous world, and they require fidelity to high standards to protect the rights of the public and to implement laws fairly and equally.  

This takes constant vigilance, commitment to principle, and a practical understanding of how the world works. It takes a combination of humility and determination. It requires listening carefully, it requires being decisive and it requires understanding that when it's part of a journey that allows for discovery but also requires deep understanding of the past.

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Speaker:  Matthew H. Sommer - Associate Professor in History, Stanford University

In late imperial China, a number of purported methods of abortion were known; but who actually attempted abortion and under what circumstances? Some historians have suggested that abortion was used for routine birth control, which presupposes that known methods were safe, reliable, and readily available. This paper challenges the qualitative evidence on which those historians have relied, and presents new evidence from Qing legal sources and modern medical reports to argue that traditional methods of abortion (the most common being abortifacient drugs) were dangerous, unreliable, and often cost a great deal of money. Therefore, abortion in practice was an emergency intervention in a crisis: either a medical crisis, in which pregnancy threatened a woman's health, or a social crisis, in which pregnancy threatened to expose a woman's extramarital sexual relations. Moreover, abortion was not necessarily available even to women who wanted one.

Stanford Center at Peking University
The Lee Jung Sen Building
Peking University
No.5 Yiheyuan Road Haidian District
Beijing, P.R.China 100871


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